Mistakes in learning a foreign language

Give him little time and telugu to english. If you really want to learn a language, practice every day. This does not mean spending three hours translating. Listen to podcasts on the way to work, read on the subway, mentally translate the names of products in the store, etc. Any option will do. If only a foreign language was always with you.
They teach but don’t speak. It makes no sense to have a vocabulary of 10,000 words and not use them in life. To avoid such situations, always say phrases out loud and immediately introduce new grammatical constructions into your speech. No one to talk to? Do it to yourself. Become Alice in Wonderland: it did not bother her.
They delve into the language without having worked out the base. A building cannot stand without a solid foundation. And the more floors you set up, the higher the probability of falling. The same thing happens with languages. First a strong foundation – then everything else.
Afraid to make mistakes. Feel free to speak in a foreign language. This is one of the main fears that prevent people from learning another language. Without the practice of speaking, the learning process is slower. Mistakes are good. They show what moments should be tightened up.

Group of students studying abroad in London

The wrong words are being taught. We live in a modern world, which means you need to learn relevant vocabulary. Leave all the archaic and beautiful words of Shakespeare’s time at the Advanced level. For now, focus on the most used ones. It will be strange to hear from a foreigner, “Can you tell me the location of the stagecoach station?” instead of “Where is the stop?”.
They use the wrong methods. Here we mean techniques that do not suit you. There are no universal methods. People have different types of perception, interests and preferences for the learning process. Start from your feelings: how much do you like the approach and whether it works for you. Let’s say your auditory friend quickly learned Italian by ear. This does not mean that you, the visual, have to suffer in the hope of achieving the same results. Ideally, it is always better to combine several methods.
They don’t believe in themselves. Don’t give up if things don’t work out. Take your time and accept that you won’t be fluent in German after a week of classes. Believe in yourself and don’t compare yourself to other people. Everyone has their own pace of learning.
They stomp in place. The first time you are inspired and see progress. But time passes, the plateau effect occurs. The main thing here is not to stop. Try not just to maintain a high level, but to develop it further. Remember that above Advanced there is also Proficiency.